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Logotipo de NNOHA

Denae Pinon


Coordinador de programa

Professional Background: Denae holds a bachelor's degree in psychology and biology from the University of Texas at El Paso. She brings over 6 years of experience in the nonprofit sector, focusing on program support, community engagement, and outreach.

Key Responsibilities: Oversees logistics for national webinars, coordinates workgroup activities, and provides comprehensive support for learning collaboratives. Her responsibilities include managing program timelines, ensuring clear communication among stakeholders, and monitoring data for program evaluation and improvement.

Notable Achievements: Expanded community outreach, resulting in increased program participation and stakeholder engagement with the MS Society and Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Personal Interests: Denae enjoys road trips, camping, and fishing with her husband, daughter, and dog. 

Fun Fact: Denae participated in theater plays throughout middle/high school.

Contact for:

Logística del programa, grupos de trabajo y apoyo al aprendizaje colaborativo.
ext. 11

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