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Making a gift to the National Network for Oral Health Access is one of the easiest ways to positively impact our work, enhance our services, and help our community strengthen and increase access to oral health services.  NNOHA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.



181 E 56th Avenue, Suite 410
Denver, CO  80216

Phone: (303) 957-0635
Fax: (866) 316-4995

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NNOHA is the largest group of safety-net oral health practitioners in the country, and our members all share a commitment to increasing access to quality oral health care for underserved populations. NNOHA is committed to providing the highest quality resources and support designed to meet the unique needs of our members and their programs.

Related Topics

Health center dental programs must ensure that they have proper dental practice policies and protocols to ensure patient safety and quality dental services.

  • The NNOHA Dental Forms Library houses various forms such as job descriptions, consent forms, dental clinic policies, patient instructions, performance evaluations, and quality assessment forms.

  • To develop a high performing dental program the Characteristics of a Quality Oral Health Dental Program factsheet provides an outline of the top characteristics of a quality health center dental program.

  • To prepare for Operational Site Visits (OSV) from HRSA, this presentation will provide an in-depth look at what to expect when preparing for an OSV.

  • Health centers are encouraged to promote sustainable green practices across dental sites. This promising practice, Going Green in Dental discusses strategies to implement green initiatives for waste management in dental programs.

Policies and Protocols

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